Feast of Tabernacles

A Jew was carrying four kinds of plants used in rituals Sukkot in Jerusalem. Feast of Tabernacles (Hebrew: סוכות or סֻכּוֹת, Sukkot) or Tabernacles was a Jewish holiday; a thanksgiving celebration for Israel over the harvest is celebrated for seven days on the full moon in between September and October. Precisely, the feast was held on 15 Tisyri according to the Jewish calendar). The festival is called "Sukkot" in Hebrew as the main aspect of the festival is a hut (Sukkah). This celebration is one of threefeast of pilgrimage for Jews, in addition to Shavuot and pesakh. During this celebration, Jews make pilgrimages to the Temple in Jerusalem, bringing offerings.

Every Jewish family built a three-walled cottage and has a roof made of palm branches and leaves. The cottages are prepared to welcome guests seven mystical, namely Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph, and David, who believed will come to the cabin made it during the festival took place. 
The Samaritans have a slightly different way of celebrating this holiday. They build a Sukkah in their homes. In addition, they built sukka not have walls, but only the roof where hanging fruit.

Meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles

In the Bible, this festival is interpreted as a major harvest festival of the Jewish nation (Exodus 23 and Deuteronomy 16), the main festival of the temple (Numbers 29), and as a reminder to the Israelites on their wanderings in the desert when it did come out of Egypt (Leviticus 29). At the time of wandering, the Israelites lived in temporary huts, which at this celebration is represented by a cottage. In the concept as a harvest festival, this celebration marks the end of harvest season. The farmers came to Jerusalem with his family to give thanks for the harvest which they have received. During this period went to Jerusalem, they lived in the cottage. 
At the time of the Temple still stood, the celebration continued with the festival taking water (Simhat Bet ha-Sho'evah). Then, pouring water carried to the altar as a request of the coming rains.

Preparation and Implementation of the Feast of Tabernacles

Prior to this festival is celebrated, every Jewish family set up a temporary shack consisting of three walls and the roof twigs. They also carry four types of plants, namely lime, willow branches, palm leaves, and branches of myrtle trees to be blessed in the Sukkah. These four types of plants are associated with the water flowing and the rains that give life. 

Sukkah is made to meet the following criteria:
- Walled 3 and resistant to wind fast enough.
- The roof is made final and are made by materials derived from plants. 
- Portion of the roof should not be too tight so that people who are on it can still see the stars. 

Blessing performed in the Synagogue by bringing a bond consisting of lime, willow branches, palm leaves, and branches of myrtle trees are the same as they prepare to be blessed in the Sukkah. bond is waved, and prayed to ensure hospitality they affect their lives. In addition, well appointed prayers for rain as a blessing to all creatures on earth. 

During this feast lasted, Jews are required to eat together in the Sukkah and they spend all day in it , but in modern Jewish society, generally they only carry out the ritual meal and not spend all their time in the Sukkah them. When the heavy rains, they are allowed to not perform the ritual meal in the Sukkah this. The Jewish families are also invited to gather with relatives and their friends and celebrate this holiday together. 

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