Increasing your Blog’s SERP in Few Easy Steps

Increasing a blogs search engine results page (SERP) can be critical to increasing the popularity of the blog. The blog that you are concerned with needs to be as close to the front of the search engine results as possible. So therefore it is an important task to increase your blogs rankings. To do this you will need to spend some time following the instructions below.


1) Submit your blog to the blogging directories.
2) Submit your blog to the free directories found throughout the Web. Simply perform a search with your favorite search engine for Web site directories. Then submit your site to them as you have time.

3) Write free articles and submit them to article directories. Make sure you include a link to your blog in the “About author” section of your article.

4) Place a link to your blog in your forum footers. If you don’t submit to forums locate five to ten that pertain to your blogging subject matter and start submitting discussions and content to them.

5) Find other blogs that contain similar content to your blog and make constructive comments to the posts and put a link back to your blog inside the comments.

Tips & Warnings

Always be careful to submit your blog to the directories but try not to submit them to more than fifty directories per month. Greater submission numbers can get you flagged on some search engines for spamming.

Try to become a contributing member of the forums that you submit too. Do not spam the forums as your time will be wasted if you do so.

If you are commenting on other blogs please be respectful and constructive. Never spam the other blogs you do not appreciate spam on your blog and neither do the other blog owners.

Never utilize black hat tactics such as redirects or hiding links on other sites to improve your SERP. If the search engines detect that you are doing so it will cause you to have a negative effect and send you to the end of the search results.

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