Phoenix Jones Action hero mask

This is the real story of the masked hero in Seattle, USA. His name is Jones's Phoenix Seattle guard. Costumed in black and gold, he tried to combat the crime.The result? A broken nose and condemnation of local police.

Jones in action in the Lynnwood area, outside the City of Seattle, USA. The costumes have a bullet proof material with black and gold. The weapon is pepper spray and stun devices. But he has no super powers or the sophisticated style of Batman's car. Phoenix Jones Kia patrol car driven by a woman who became couples action.

Jones lunge is very similar to the story of the movie 'Kick Ass' on teens who want to be a super hero. It could be that Jones inspired the film.

As reported by, Tuesday (01/11/2011), Jones said in an interview with local television admitted that he had become the masked hero since 9 months ago. He claimed to have stabbed and mugged weapons by criminals which he opposed."When I am the way, the criminals go because seeing these costumes," said Jones.

A resident had seen successful action to prevent car theft. He chased the thief and the car survived.

Meanwhile, reported in (7 / 11) ago, Jones led a group of Superheroes Rain City with members of 10 people who are determined to eradicate crime. Some that come up is the Red Dragon is costumed in red ninja and Buster Doe who covered her face with a white cloth.

But Jones is not always smooth action, the Telegraph reported last news of the hero who suffered a broken nose on Saturday. When breaking up a fight, Jones pinned an offender while asking residents to call police. Other actors hold up a gun to his friend released. His friend's face and then kicked Jones.

Seattle Police also condemned their action. Costume hero does not violate the law. However, worried people and the police can not tell if the hero and villain alike masked. Moreover, there is a risk the salvation of souls in the action of Jones and his friends.

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