Go Ask Alice Anonymous | A drug addict diary

Go Ask Alice is a collection of diary of a 15-year-old girl (name not mentioned) who becomes a drug addict at a very young age. He died a few weeks after the age of 17, due to an overdose.

"Alice" a teenage girl just plain awkward, clumsy, and grapple with everyday problems, at school, at home, the problems association with friends until the generation gap between himself and his parents. In the search for identity, Alice literally dragged into the social life revolved around drugs and free sex. Life fluctuates to extremes; many times he's determined to get out of the confines of the devil's drug, but not how long it sucked back then. Not only the use and distribute drugs, Alice is also willing to pay anything to get narkobanya own supply. There are several entries in his diary that is not dated, because Alice does not know where he is, what day it is, who she really was, even he was not sure what sex --- he was puzzled why he wants to have sex with anyone without regardless of sex just to get the drugs that she missed.

Storytelling "Alice" which is sometimes plain makes me sad, makes my chest tightness, and my eyes wet. This is the window that I never peered, tinted windows which did not help me look. But from that window I could see a bit of the lives of addicts, users, whatever their designation. Alice and the kids like him is not the dregs of society as some people. Alice had a consciousness --- or "unconscious" is actually a more appropriate term --- and he was confused, not knowing where to go. Alice grow old with amazing speed, see and understand the world of opaque glasses filled with smoke marijuana and heroin haze. Alice grow up in two hundred pages the book that records his thoughts, because he had to fight to survive for the sake of "life" that is formless.
Even more poignant is how much he missed in a world without drugs, how she wanted her sisters do not fall, sink, sink into the dark mud had swallowed it. And I also know from his writings a never-ending struggle against the "friends" who wanted to pull him back to the old world.

But in the end, as written in this book, it's just a diary. Only records events that do not offer any solutions. Nude portrait of a young girl trapped in hell, sucked into a black hole, and flailing, gasping for breath, wanting to come to the surface. And I read it as people who are not familiar with that world. And I cried.

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